Today's post is especially important if you don't have any particular expertise with this technique. Please pay attention carefully, print it out, and then re-read it later:
The process of using classified ads to generate sales for any product - whether it be an original product or an affiliate product - is often over-simplified or even discouraged altogether. This is, in part, because it actually is one of the harder ways in which you can advertise.
It requires you to use a small amount of words to communicate an important point, which will either make or break your ability to garner interest in the product in question. In most cases, supposed experts will discourage you from using classified ads because they themselves have never had much luck using them - not because classified ads aren't a viable method of advertising.
So how can you use classified ads correctly to generate a considerable amount of traffic to your affiliate product sales page?
The first step entails finding viable places to advertise. Again, many of the so-called experts will jump in and either tell you to use free sites or that free sites never work. The truth here, too, is somewhat in between: free sites can work, but you must use them carefully. For instance, if you want to generate traffic from sites that allow you to post free classifieds, you will have to find ones that actually receive traffic themselves.
One example of a site that receives a massive amount of traffic, but also allows you to post classified ads for free is craigslist, which you can find at the following URL:
As long as you post classified ads in the proper section, you can do it completely free of charge. Additionally, you can do this on each of the craigslist sites for the metropolitan areas in the United States.
If you go to Craigslist, you'll notice that you are, by default, sent to the San Francisco Bay Area site, where you will find a giant word cloud of different terms and cities. You can access all the other metropolitan area craigslist sites through this portal. What you'll want to do next is start looking for Craigslist cities that allow you to post ads for free. These aren't too hard to find. Simply browse through the list of cities until you encounter them.
Once you've found a number of city sites where you can advertise, all you'll need to do next is click on the word cloud text button that best matches what you plan to sell. Is your product related to health? Does it tell people how to make money? Does it tell people how to make crafts with their children? Take this into consideration when selecting a category.
Once you've selected your category, everything is pretty straightforward. Simply click the "post" button, add a short but powerful ad (which directs viewers to your site), and then duplicate this process on other craigslist sites while you wait for the traffic to start rolling in.
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